Amplify DEI - Leadership Edition
Imagine a world where Diversity, Equity & Inclusion were at the forefront in the workplace?
Together, we can create thriving work environments that empower both employers and employees alike!
Unravel and learn about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
from 90+ international experts
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A strong DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) mission within the workplace is one of the most important pillars for business success and employee wellness.
The Amplify DEI Summit, first hosted in 2020 is a 100% online event that brings international experts into conversations with employers, managers, HR professionals, L&D professionals, and change-makers, to educate and elevate best practices, conversations, and perspectives on DEI.
Our first edition of the Amplify DEI summit saw +900 attendees and 85% of viewers voted YES to the question
“Are you getting value from the Amplify DEI Summit?”
Here's What Others Are Saying
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The Amplify DEI Summit Leadership Edition features 90+ international guest speakers who will be:
*Imparting knowledge on what successful DEI is;
*Sharing experiences highlighting why DEI is important;
*Providing evidence on why DEI needs to be a part of the DNA of any company.
With more than 100 presentations available on-demand, you have the chance to tune into as many of the talks as interest you. Everything will be available live (on the days of the summit) and via replays on the platform on your computer, phone, or tablet.
Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to implement successful DEI strategies in your organization or watch them all. It’s up to you!
Click here to view the "Convince Your Manager" Letter for your organization to invest in your ticket.
Tickets for the summit are sold individually (per person) but your organization can save more by joining as a group.
Reach out to [email protected] to inquire about the group discount (>10 people).
Our world-renowned experts are revolutionizing
the way we approach DEI in the workplace.
You don't want to miss these inspiring sessions!
Whether you’re looking for advice on gender diversity, activation, retention, and strategies, it's all here.
Featured talks
Not sure what to watch? Here are some talks you won't want to miss.
Why sign up for the Amplify DEI Summit?
Learn From Experts
Learn directly from 90+ international experts on:
* How to boost diversity in your organization
* Attracting & retaining diverse talent
* Inclusive recruiting
* Talent development
* Allyship and unconscious bias
*And so much more!

Watch On Demand
See this summit as “the Netflix for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” Tune in to the platform whenever you want, wherever you want.
Time and location are no longer boundaries to amplify DEI within your organization!
Follow your favourite topics for exclusive content and offers
Choose the topics you'd like to follow and we'll keep you up to date with its presentations and expert advice.
Check out the Categories29 September 2021, 04:00 PM

27 September 2021, 04:30 PM

29 September 2021, 01:30 PM

28 September 2021, 03:30 PM

With 90+ experts, the DEI tactics you need to amplify DEI in your company are just a click away
Our experts will be sharing their knowledge, strategies, and tactics. If you’re focused on attracting or keeping diverse talents we've got you covered.
Meet the speakersIt's time to hone in on the specific areas of DEI within your organization that you know you need to improve.
Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through the content you just don't need, Amplify DEI is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to for implementing successful DEI strategies in your organization or watch them all. It’s up to you!
View the schedule
Meet Your Host
"My name is Vivian Acquah. I’m here today because I made a promise to my son Orlando (7yrs). My mission is to help make the world a better place, starting from within the workplaces that he will one day have to enter.
By the time he enters the workforce, I don’t want him to deal with the same BS that I’ve dealt with when it comes to inequity. I want him to live in a world where employees and employers are inspired and inspiring and strive to create thriving work environments for EVERYONE."
About Vivian Acquah
A workplace wellness advocate, YouTuber, podcaster, and multi-passionate visionary, Vivian Acquah founded and created the Amplify DEI Summit in 2020, inspired by her son Orlando.
Becoming a mother to her son and then witnessing the world through his eyes, she was inspired to make a shift in her career, going from a sought-after Finance and IT consultant, to a revolutionizing workplace wellness advocate.
Through her work with various managers and companies worldwide, Vivian has become an expert on nurturing a holistic approach to sustainable employability, in order to support team members feel healthier, happier, and safer within the workplace.
Besides being the host of the Amplify DEI Summit, Vivian is also the host of the bi-weekly live broadcast/podcast Let's Humanize The Workplace.
Fun Fact: Vivian Acquah is also a proud NERD 🤓. She advises companies & thought leaders on how to amplify their voices by using the right tools.
The Speakers for the Amplify DEI Summit Leadership Edition
Say Hello To Our Speakers
We couldn't be more excited about our lineup. Which talks will you be checking out?