Where the Black people at?
A Talk by Melanie Jacob (Diversity & Inclusion Consultant, Melanie Jacob Consulting)
About this Talk
This presentation will focus on the lack of racial diversity and inclusion in European media content and the role that Europe's colonial history plays in this.
Session Takeaways
1) You cannot say you are doing the work without actually seeking out help from the people concerned in the fight i.e. POC. 2) European media lacks diversity from the creative process to the end product. 3) There are Black and Brown people working in communications, media and PR who are ready to help you.
Facts Related To This Presentation
- France is officially a 'colourblind' society.
- France was so embarrassed about their involvement during WWII, that they decided to become 'Universalist' in their approach to establishing the Cinquième Republique. Therefore, Charles de Gaulle made it illegal to collect official data related to ethnicity, race and religious beliefs.