The Return on Investment on social sustainability
A Talk by Dr Audrey Flore Ngomsik (Corporate Social Sustainability strategist, Trianon Scientific Communication)
About this Talk
Environmental sustainability awareness has grown lately but social sustainability still seems like a buzzword without any real raison d'ĂȘtre in business success. So, what exactly is it? And why should social sustainability be part of your business?
Session Takeaways
- CSR encompass the way business earn their money, not the way they spend it
- Sustainable Development = environmental (planet), social (people), profit (economic) sustainability
- Social sustainability = Equity, Diversity, Social cohesion, quality of life, Corporate Governance
Facts Related To This Presentation
- It has been demonstrated that ethnic and gender diverse companies are 20% more innovative and 35% more likely to outperform more homogenous teams
- Companies in the top quartile of gender diversity on executive teams were 25% more likely to have above-average profitability than peer organizations in the fourth quartile of 2019