How much of your thinking is your thinking? Steps to leading with your Truth Vision
A Talk by Matthew Reynolds (Guide in helping you find your "Truth Vision", Matthew Reynolds Consulting, LLC)
About this Talk
Do you want to create a world of inclusivity, equity, and understanding? A world where everyone is celebrated for their uniqueness? Do you know how you yourself are keeping that world from being created? I train people on how to craft their own Equity Lens, a tool that helps you break down your internal barriers that prevent you from seeing humanity and our true potential. I'm creating a world of inclusivity, equity, and understanding. Come learn how you can help lead your organization to being its biggest, fullest, and brightest.
Session Takeaways
Participants will take away a stronger sense of self, courage, and a keen understanding of how they themselves can support those around them in the same ways they wish to be supported. Participants will begin to see what it means to have an accountability partner and the benefits of one. Participants will leave with a strong desire to turn dreams into actionable steps, especially in the areas of inclusivity, dignity, and liberation.
Facts Related To This Presentation
Employees at large companies who perceive bias are nearly three times as likely (20% vs. 7%) to be disengaged at work.5 Gallup estimates that active disengagement costs U.S. companies $450 billion to $550 billion per year. Bias impacts retention. Those who perceive bias are more than three times as likely (31% to 10%) to say that they're planning to leave their current jobs within the year.