50+ As Change Agents
A Talk by Mary Jane Roy (Corporate Advisor, Facilitator, Presenter on Resilient Employees, Creating Waves)
About this Talk
The world has no space for ageism and that includes organizations! The 50 plus generations (a.k.a. the Wize Generation) don't want to be on the sidelines. Instead, we want to be playing an active role in building the future, the economy and contributing positively to society. Stereotypical biases within organizations need to change. However, we must also act as our own change agents, offering the wisdom, knowledge and experience which can only come with age. For some, it will take serious self-reflection and a change in mindset. We’ve got (neuro)science on our side to help us with this.
Session Takeaways
Attendees will leave the session with an understanding of the effects of ageism in the workplace and society, the value the 50 plus generations can and should have in the workplaces and the world, with a commitment to change their mindset regarding this group.
Facts Related To This Presentation
Just a few ways ageism shows itself: Stereotypical biases not based on facts: Older workers are less flexible, less motivated, too slow, take more sick days, etc. Many don't have a sufficient retirement plan and can't afford to stop working at the age of 65 or even 70. In the UK, over half of those aged 55 and over, say they have been discriminated against unfairly, because of their age.
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The new Wize Move Platform supporting the 50+ Wize Generations is offering you a 75% discount on a 12 month membership. Join our community, where we bring together people from all over the world and all different backgrounds. It is our intention to have fun, meet new friends, to re-invent ourselves, to learn from each other and to share our knowledge, experience and wisdom. We aren't on our way out; We are part of the future!
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