The competitive advantages of a neurodiverse workforce
A Talk by Julie Turney (HRforHR Coach, HR@Heart Consulting Inc.)
About this Talk
These talks start with my story as an HR professional with ADHD and how I navigated my way through my career as a neurodiverse employee. Surveys show that unemployment of neurodiverse talent remains higher than a country's national unemployment average, even though recruiting such talent increases innovation and creativity across teams. So how do we get HR and leaders to think differently about recruiting from this pool and creating better opportunities for neurodiverse talent? My talk will explain this and more.
Session Takeaways
Consider your hiring strategy to include hiring more neurodiverse employees Learn strategies to assist in working with neurodiverse talent Heighten awareness of working with neurodiverse talent
Facts Related To This Presentation
According to the Harvard Business Review, unemployment of neurodiverse talent in the US runs as high as 80% (this figure includes people with more severe disorders, who are not candidates for neurodiversity programs). A market watch survey reveals that there will be 500,000 adults in the US on the autism spectrum ageing into adulthood over the next 10 years. Yet a whopping 85% of college grads affected by autism are unemployed, compared to the national unemployment rate of 4.5%.